Think your brain separates you from the beasts? The gap is not as wide as you might think. This article will explain the list of smartest ...
Adinkra Symbols
Originating in Ghana, Adinkra symbols are now related, in general, to the Ashanti people. There are hundreds of these signs, which ...
What is Falling in Love?
For some people falling in love is an instantaneous thing (“love at first sight”). But falling in love can be gradual, too. You might be ...
What is ABRAXAS?
Depending on your point of view, Abraxas is either an Egyptian Sun God who was adopted by the early Christian Gnostics, or a demon from He...
Adriatic Sea
THE ADRIATIC SEA (in Italian “Mar Adriatico,” inSerbian “Jadransko more”) is a northwest-to-southeast arm of the MEDITERRANEAN SEA. T...
Benefits of Cayenne - Cure Nerve Pain
Do you know that the benefits of Cayenne are to cure nerve pain and arthritis ? How to make herbal medicine using Cayenne? T he spicy ...
The Slowest Animals in the World
Do you know what the slowest animals in the world is? Here is the list of the champion of this category. 1. Galapagos giant tortoise ...
50 Fun Facts About The US Economy I bet You Did Not Know!
#50) In 2010 the U.S. government is projected to issue almost as much new debt as the rest of the governments of the world combined. #4...
One of Black Cohosh Benefits - Menstrual Cramps
N ative to eastern North America, black cohosh thrives in moist, shaded woodlands. Over time, it has also become a popular garden peren...
Cro-Magnons – Early Homo Sapiens
Cro-Magnon was a population of early Homo sapiens dating from the Upper Paleolithic Period (c. 40,000 to c. 10,000 years ago) in Europe . ...
The most famous female king of Egypt - Hatshepsut
The most famous female king of Egypt was Hatshepsut (Hatchepsut) , who reigned in her own right c. 1473–58 BCE. She attained unprecedented...
World’s Fastest Animals
The arms race of hunter and hunted is a ferocious battleground, with different species furiously evolving to remain, literally, one-step ahe...
10 Most Expensive Parking Space around the World
If you think that the tariff of your parking space is expensive, you will be surprise when find out that you actually pay cheap price for yo...
Aegean Sea
THE AEGEAN SEA is an arm of the MEDITERRANEAN SEA, located between the Greek peninsula to the west and TURKEY to the east. The Aegean is...
One of Chamomile Benefit - Digestive aid
Not many people knew the benefit of Chamomile since you will easy to find it anywhere all over the world. A fter a rain, or when li...
The Punisher - Marvel's Big Gun
Nothing succeeds like success, and nothing motivates like revenge. Forget greed and envy and dying for a cause; do something hideous to some...