The Pomegranate Badge of Katherine of Aragon The Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, lends her name to an extensive list of foods and o...
Cancer Detection through Urine Test - Maybe you are used to seeing the test pack to detect pregnancy through urine. The possibility of someday urine...
One of Crocodile Facts that Shock You
Crocodile Facts - There are many incidents reported where crocodile attack human and kill them. One of them is famous like Gustav; a cro...
In Order Not To Endanger Health. Here’s Some Tips To Cleanup The Volcanic Ash – Mount Kelud eruption that occurred on Thursday (13/02/2014) evening at around 22.50 PM cause the rain of volc...
10 Most Cruel People of the World
The following are the list of 10 most cruel people of the world! Those are: 1. Josef Stalin Stalin was General Secretary of the Commun...
What Are Hiccups and How To Stop It
What are hiccups ? For several times per minute, an involuntary contraction of diaphragm happened to our body. This situation called a hic...
Despite Without Sugar, Fruit Juices Have the Same Risks with soft drinks - Carbonated beverages are often regarded as "the enemy" for dieters. Because these drinks contain a l...