
0– The purpose of vacation is to acquire entertainment. If not for the soul, it’s for the body. Be grateful if it can do both. Unfortunately, the intention can be tainted by our own negligence. Rather than be entertainment, holidays instead gave us confusion.
CNN Travel gather some common negligence of travelers published that were published by such as the following.

1. Carrying too much stuff

When traveling, think about the effectiveness of the items you are carrying. According to a survey from Travelodge, 2 to 3 traveler brought home at least six clothing that is not used during the trip. Such as socks, for example. You can use the same sock twice. No need to replace with new socks every day.

2. Not setting roaming feature on mobile phones

Set up your mobile phone so as not to carelessly receiving text messages or phone roaming, it is important thing to do if you do not want your credit runs out simply because the cost of roaming.

3. Not ensuring the rules of using a visa at the destination

Before going overseas, make sure first if you can enter the country with or without a visa. Most states allow Indonesian tourists to come only with a visa on arrival (VOA), and others require you to arrange a visa in advance. Make sure your destination country belongs to the kind of which. If not, you could be rejected during the inspection of documents before leaving.

4. Not printing the booking.

Although the proof of available reservations in the gadget you have, it would be better if you also carry proof of that you do print the booking.  Your gadget might die or do not work at any time.

5. Forgot to exchange currency at the airport

We recommend that you need to exchange money before leaving or at least not at the airport. Thus, you can directly proceed without bother looking for money changer. Finding money changer outside the airport will spend your time.

6. Presuming you know the exact time to book tickets.

According to Travelers Today, the best day to book flight tickets is 21 days and 34 days before domestic and international flights. According, the best time is 79 days and 81 days before departure.
Meanwhile, according to research carried out by Texas A & M University, Saturday and Sunday is the best day to look for discount tickets. Following the rules does not guarantee you get the cheapest tickets. Diligently monitor ticket prices and subscription newsletter from airline websites is a wise choice.
Hopefully, you can avoid the omissions. (rasyadhiar/intisari)

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